Europe has long imagined itself as the centre of the universe, although its precise geographical, cultural and social terrains have always been amorphous. Exploring the fear and fascination associated with the continent as an allegory, Hamid Dabashi consi...
"Contemporary Art, World Cinema, and Visual Culture: Essays by Hamid Dabashi" brings together the work of a theorist of modern and contemporary arts to map out more universal issues of concern to art theory and criticism.
Almost a quarter century after his pioneering work on the iconography of the Iranian revolution of 1977-1979, Hamid Dabashi returns to a precipous collection of revolutionary posters from the pre-revolutionary period to wed them critically to the contempo...
Scores of books and articles have been published, addressing one or another aspect of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Missing from this body of scholarship, however, has been a comprehensive analysis of the intellectual and ideological cornerstones of...
Dabashi's newest book is a meditation on suicidal violence in the immediate context of its most recent political surge and a critical examination of the radical transformation of the human body, supported by close readings of cinematic and artistic...