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Libros de Harold B. Acton

  • Florencia Y Las Villas Toscanas

    • 110 páginas
    • Encuadernación: Rústica
    12,00€ 11,40€
  • Memorias De Un Esteta

    • 672 páginas
    • En esta notable obra, publicada originalmente en 1948, Harold Acton ofrece una aguda y vívida crónica de sus primeros treinta y cinco años de vida, de 1904 a 1939, desde su infancia como miembro de la colonia internacional de diletant...
    35,00€ 33,25€
  • Las Filosofías Nacionales. Siglos Xix Y Xx. Vol. 9

    • 544 páginas
    • Sinopsis: Dentro del desarrollo histórico de la filosofía, este volumen profundiza en la filosofía anglosajona, italiana y alemana del siglo xix.
    7,90€ 7,51€
  • The Illusion Of The Epoch Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 47

    • 288 páginas
    • British thinkers have considered Marxism primarily as a body of economic and social doctrine..
    49,80€ 47,31€
  • The Last Medici

    • 390 páginas
    • In his remarkable account of the last Medici, famous aesthete and historian Harold Acton (1904-1994) takes up the causes which led to the disappearance of a house which has left indelible traces on the art, literature and commerce of the world; and his...
    25,71€ 24,42€
  • Memoirs Of An Aesthete

    • 434 páginas
    • In this remarkable book, Harold Acton writes a witty and vivid account of his first thirty-five years of his life from his boyhood among the international colony of dilettanti in Florence before the First World War, to his maturity when he discovered his...
    24,94€ 23,69€
  • More Memoirs Of An Aesthete

    • 414 páginas
    • In this delightful sequel to Memoirs of an Aesthete Harold Acton continues where he left off in 1939. Packed with recollections of the famous personalities he knew such as the Sitwells, Norman Douglas, Bernard Berenson, Gertrude Stein and Evelyn Waugh,...
    24,94€ 23,69€