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Libros de Harry Harrison

  • 50 En 50

    • 864 páginas
    • Con motivo de sus cincuenta años de trayectoria literaria, Harry Harrison reunió cincuenta de sus mejores relatos en 50 en 50, una historia por cada año, agrupados según la temática. Así, el libro nos ofrece no...
    21,95€ 20,86€
  • ¡hagan Sitio! ¡hagan Sitio!

    • 288 páginas
    • Lunes, 9 de agosto de 1999. El siglo está en sus postrimerías. Nueva York posee una población de 35 millones de seres humanos. Viven hacinados en las casas, en los cementerios de coches que en otro tiempo fueron aparcamientos, en los...
    17,95€ 17,05€
  • Flash Gordon 1960-1962

    • 184 páginas
    • Flash Gordon se cruza en sus viajes con pícaros de siete suelas que lo arrastran en la vorágine de su falta de escrúpulos y tienen el don de complicar lo sencillo y de poner en peligro lo que podría pasar completamente desaperc...
    31,90€ 30,31€
  • Flash Gordon 1958-1960

    • 184 páginas
    • Las historias que Dan Barry y Harry Harrison ofrecen en este número anticipan las que configurarán gran parte de la ciencia ficción por venir. Ahí tenemos a los Skorpi, la raza de alienígenas insectoides capaces de cambi...
    31,90€ 30,30€
  • La Rata De Acero Inoxidable

    • 256 páginas
    • James Bolívar era el ladrón, granuja y pillo más grande de toda la Galaxia. Hasta que un día fue arrestado por la policía interestelar, la cual, finalmente lo obligó a ingresar en sus filas para llevar a cabo una...
    17,95€ 17,05€
  • 11,66€ 11,08€
  • Deathworld 2

    • Jason dinAlt has been kidnaped and is being returned to the planet Cassylia to stand trial for his crimes. But on route the space ship he is on crash lands on a planet inhabited by men who have lost much of their technology. It is up to Jason to find a...
    30,89€ 29,34€
  • Planet Of The Damned

    • Brion Brandd was chosen for the mission because he was the very best of the best. It is up to him to avert a nuclear war, but even all his training and intelligence might not be enough to save a world. Nothing is as it seems and every action could be his...
    28,15€ 26,75€
  • The K-factor

    • They were losing the planet. The first of the frontier worlds wanted its independence. There was a traitor in their midst and it was up to Neel to find him and stop a nuclear war.
    14,25€ 13,54€
  • The Stainless Steel Rat And The Misplaced Battleship

    • It’s more than a little careless to lose a battleship, even in interstellar space. Enter Slippery Jim diGriz, better known as the Stainless Steel Rat, the fastest talking con-man in the galaxy. Jim will need to go undercover to find the...
    18,16€ 17,25€
  • Deathworld

    • Deathworld is perhaps Harry Harrison’s best known novel and is certainly the book that put him on the map. Jason dinAlt is a daring gambler. He uses his spotty psionic powers to give himself a slight edge in games of chance. After winnin...
    28,14€ 26,74€
  • Harry Harrison Super Pack

    • Harry Harrison was recognized as a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writer's of America. He was best known for his Deathworld and Stainless Steel Rat series. He was nominated for the Hugo, Nebula, Locus, and Sideways Awards. He was inducted into...
    42,02€ 39,92€
  • Deathworld

    • This classic science fiction novel by Harry Harrison was originally serialised in Astounding Science Fiction magazine. It follows professional gambler, Jason dinAlt, who uses his psionic abilities to rig games of chance. He is challenged by Kerk Pyruss,...
    20,30€ 19,29€
  • The K-factor

    • This is a classic science fiction short story by Harry Harrison. The K-Factor is an equation used to asses the probability of war. A young man is charged with using the K-Factor and the field of Sociatics to avert war on another planet. However, there...
    15,23€ 14,46€
  • Deathworld 2

    • This is a classic science fiction novel by Harry Harrison and a follow up to his hugely successful Deathworld. This sequel continues the story of professional gambler Jason dinAlt on a harsh world of primitive violence. The planet’s aili...
    19,28€ 18,32€
  • Planet Of The Damned

    • This classic science fiction novel by Harry Harrison was originally published in Analog Science Fact-Science Fiction as Sense of Obligation and has been for a Hugo Award. It tells the story of Brion, a man who has just won the prestigious Twenties competi...
    20,30€ 19,29€
  • The Velvet Glove By Harry Harrison, Science Fiction, Fantasy

    • SF writer and editor Harry Harrison explores a not-too-distant future where robots -- particularly specialist robots who don’t know their place -- have quite a rough time of it. True, the Robot Equality Act had been passed -- but so what...
    10,36€ 9,84€
  • The Misplaced Battleship By Harry Harrison, Science Fiction, Adventure

    • James Bolivar DiGriz, alias "Slippery Jim" is a fictional character and the protagonist of a series of comic science fiction novels written by Harry Harrison. It might seem a little careless to lose track of something as big as a battleship ....
    10,42€ 9,90€
  • Toy Shop By Harry Harrison, Science Fiction, Adventure

    • Because there were few adults in the crowd, and Colonel "Biff" Hawton stood over six feet tall, he could see every detail of the demonstration. The children -- and most of the parents -- gaped in wide-eyed wonder. Biff Hawton was too sophisticated...
    7,43€ 7,05€
  • The Repairman By Harry Harrison, Science Fiction, Adventure

    • "This department is officially called Maintenance and Repair, when it really should be called trouble-shooting. Hyperspace beacons are made to last forever -- or damn close to it. When one of them breaks down, it is never an accident and repairing...
    10,22€ 9,71€