Dysfunctional teams are maddeningyet are a reality of organizational life. How often have you sat in team meetings complaining to yourself, What a colossal waste of time. Why does it take forever for this group to make a simple decision? What are we even
You've got a great idea that will increase revenue or boost productivity--but how do you get the buy-in you need to make it happen? By building a business case that clearly shows your idea's value. That's not always easy: Maybe you're not sure what kind o
It's your responsibility as a manager to...
El autor de HBR Guide to Thinking Strategically, con isbn 978-1-63369-693-8, es Harvard Business Review.
Otros libros de Harvard Business Review son Seguridad Psicológica (psychological Safety Spanish Edition), Tips Para Papás, Cómo Dar Una Retroalimentación Eficaz (giving Effective Feedback Spanish Edition), Revisión De Resultados (performance Reviews Spanish Edition), Perseverancia (grit Spanish Edition), Gestiona La Ansiedad (managing Your Anxiety Spanish Edition), Inclusión y Buenos Hábitos. Ver su bibliografía.