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Libros de Helen Davis

  • Evita

    • 286 páginas
    • Evita es la historia de Eva Perón, la antigua Primera Dama de Argentina, contada en primera persona. Comienza con el día de su muerte, el 26 de julio, 1952, Eva nos cuenta su propia historia. Aunque sea una obra de ficción, Evita se...
    16,00€ 15,20€
  • Athena

    • 176 páginas
    • Athena is the princess of Yavdolo, a country on the planet known as Damlol. Damlol was founded many years ago by colonists who fled a worldwide caliphate on Earth.However, the problems on Earth have followed the colonists to their new world. The nation...
    15,50€ 14,72€
  • Diccionario De Chino Para Principiantes

    • 148 páginas
    • Un vistoso diccionario, ilustrado con mucho humor, que hará más fácil y agradable el aprendizaje del chino. Incluye unas 2.000 palabras y frases de uso diario, agrupadas por temas e ilustradas con divertidos dibujos para que el princi...
    9,95€ 9,46€
  • Emile And Isaac Pereire: Bankers, Socialists And Sephardic Jews In Nineteenth-century France

    • 280 páginas
    • Emile (1800-75) and Isaac Pereire (1806-80) were pivotal and sensational figures, their lives and careers a lens through which to re-examine the history of France in the nineteenth century. Among the first generation of Jews emancipated by the French Revo...
    28,35€ 26,93€
  • French Dictionary For Beginners

    • 128 páginas
    • This is a colourful dictionary with over 2000 words and phrases illustrated with amusing pictures of busy everyday scenes. The words are arranged thematically and appear in context with topics on 'buying food', 'at work', and 'in the...
    9,31€ 8,84€
  • Emile And Isaac Pereire

    • A fascinating biography that sheds light on Jewish history, economic history and nineteenth-century France
    157,39€ 149,52€