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Libros de Helen Keller

  • La Historia De Mi Vida

    • 296 páginas
    • Destinada a vivir casi separada del mundo, por ciega y sordomuda, superó todas sus imposibilidades. Un hermoso y ejemplar testimonio contra el que no podrá el olvido. SEGUNDA EDICIÓN.
    17,90€ 17,00€
  • La Puerta Abierta

    • 144 páginas
    •  Marcada desde su más tierna infancia por la ceguera y la sordera  totales, Helen Keller fue capaz de superar, con la abnegada y paciente ayuda de la maestra Anne Sullivan, todos los obstáculos hasta convertirse en una pens...
    15,00€ 14,25€
  • El Món En Què Visc

    • 120 páginas
    • Helen Keller va néixer en un poblet d’Alabama el 1880. Quan tenia un any i mig, va quedar sorda i cega a conseqüència d’unes febres. Aquest absolut aïllament l’hauria pogut convertir en un animaló espantat...
    14,00€ 13,30€
  • The Story Of My Life

    • The name of Helen Keller is known around the world as a symbol of courage in the face of..
    29,21€ 27,75€
  • The Story Of My Life

    • Helen Keller’s superb autobiography takes us through the childhood and early life of a woman who was to become one of the United States most celebrated activists and lecturers.First published in 1903, Keller’s early...
    11,46€ 10,89€
  • The Story Of My Life: Autobiography

    • In The Story of My Life, author and activist Helen Keller recounts her early education with Anne..
    6,77€ 6,43€
  • The Story Of My Life: (mockingbird Classics)

    • "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.". --- Helen Keller, The..
    6,76€ 6,42€
  • The World I Live In

    • I HAVE just touched my dog. He was rolling on the grass, with pleasure in every muscle and limb. I..
    6,76€ 6,42€
  • To Love This Life: Quotations By Helen Keller

    • A beautiful, moving souvenir of one of the world's most admired women, this memorable collection of
    30,33€ 28,81€
  • Rezeption Des Vã¶lkerrechts

    • 855 páginas
    • Thema des Buches ist das Verhältnis von Völkerrecht und Landesrecht in der Rechtsprechung. Die Autorin untersucht die Praxis des Supreme Court der Vereinigten Staaten, des EuGH und des schweizerischen Bundesgerichts in Hinblick auf die Rezeption...
    135,15€ 128,39€
  • My Religion

    • Helen Keller had absolutely no hearing or eyesight from the age of two, but became one of the most inspiring and well known people to have ever lived. For a number of years she functioned, in her words, simply as "an unconscious clod of earth."...
    14,32€ 13,60€
  • Helen Keller

    • " My life] is so rich with blessings--an immense capacity of enjoyment, books, and beloved..
    58,03€ 55,13€