The legendary Shonen Jump series, now available in English for the first time, in a deluxe edition featuring color pages and newly drawn cover art! JoJos Bizarre Adventure is a groundbreaking manga famous for its outlandish characters, wild humor an
A hardcover collector's edition of one of the most beloved manga and anime of all time! Fully remastered with an updated translation and completely fresh lettering, and presented with color pages on large-trim, archival-quality paper, this gorgeous hardco
El autor de Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 3--Stardust Crusaders, Vol. 10, con isbn 978-1-4215-9176-6, es Hirohiko Araki.
Otros libros de Araki, Hirohiko son Under Execution, Under Jailbreak, Cool Shock B.t., Asi Hablo Kishibe Rohan, Baoh: El Visitante, Jojo´s Bizarre Adventure 05 Battle Tendency 02, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Parte 8: Jojolion 12, Jojo's Bizzarre Adventure Parte 8: Jojolion 11 y Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 75: Jojolion 10. Ver su bibliografía.