"Following the intense showdown against Chris, Sooha has recognized the error of her vampire-hating ways. Now she and the boys can continue their exciting high school days without a hitch, focusing solely on the upcoming nightball championship and...
"The seven most popular boys at Decelis Academy all share a secret--they're vampires. Keeping their identities concealed and dealing with their werewolf rivals is trouble enough, but the appearance of a mysterious new student only further complicates...
"One day, Zeha wakes up in a hospital bed with a nasty wound on his chest and no memory of what happened. Before he can get his bearings, a city detective reveals that he was found collapsed on Inwang Mountain, the sole survivor of a grisly mass murder....
The seven most popular boys at Decelis Academy all share a secret--they're vampires. Keeping their identities concealed and dealing with their werewolf rivals is trouble enough, but the appearance of a mysterious new student only further complicates...
"One day, Zeha wakes up in a hospital bed with a nasty wound on his chest and no memory of what happened. Before he can get his bearings, a city detective reveals that he was found collapsed on Inwang Mountain, the sole survivor of a grisly mass murder....