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Libros de Isabella Hammad

  • El Parisino

    • 720 páginas
    • Estamos en 1914, a comienzos de la Primera Guerra Mundial. Los países árabes de Oriente Medio no existen aún. Jerusalén y Damasco pertenecen al Imperio otomano. El palestino Midhat viaja a Francia para estudiar medicina y se...
    25,90€ 24,60€
  • Entra L?esperit

    • 456 páginas
    • Després de viure molts anys allunyada de la terra dels seus pares, i quan encara s?està refent d?una ruptura sentimental, l?actriu Sonia Nassir torna a Haifa per visitar la seva germana gran, la Haneen. Quan hi arriba, es troba que el seu...
    20,95€ 19,90€
  • 10,42€ 9,90€
  • Recognizing The Stranger: On Palestine And Narrative

    • 96 páginas
    • "Extraordinary and amazingly erudite. Hammad shows how art and especially literature can be much, much more revealing than political writing." --Rashid Khalidi, New York Times bestselling author of The Hundred Years' War on Palestine
    17,41€ 16,54€
  • Enter Ghost

    • 336 páginas
    • After years away from her family's homeland, and reeling from a disastrous love affair, actress Sonia Nasir returns to Haifa to visit her older sister Haneen. On her arrival, she finds her relationship to Palestine is fragile, both bone-deep and new....
    13,12€ 12,47€
  • The Parisian

    • 576 páginas
    • Midhat Kamal - dreamer, romantic, aesthete - leaves Palestine in 1914 to study medicine in France, under the tutelage of Dr Molineu. He falls deeply in love with Jeannette, the doctor's daughter. But Midhat soon discovers that everything is fragile-...
    12,15€ 11,54€