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Libros de James Clifford

  • Itinerarios Transculturales (ne)

    • 494 páginas
    • En este collage de ensayos, reflexiones, poemas e informes de viajes —que abarca desde la zona montañosa de Nueva Guinea hasta el norte de California, desde Vancouver hasta Londres—, James Clifford reflexiona sobre el viaje y su dif&iacut...
    36,90€ 35,05€
  • Dilemas De La Cultura

    • 432 páginas
    • El planteamiento pionero de James Clifford, uno de los teóricos más originales de la llamada antropología posmoderna, ha revolucionado el tradicional reparto de papeles y la lógica de la relación entre sujeto y objeto...
    33,90€ 32,21€
  • 28,90€ 27,46€
  • Ten Days To Madness

    • Only Charlie Parker knows that his image as a successful, well-respected family man is a complete..
    11,61€ 11,03€
  • Returns: Becoming Indigenous In The Twenty-first Century

    • "Returns" explores homecomings--the ways people recover and renew their roots. Engaging with..
    60,46€ 57,43€
  • Writing Culture

    • 305 páginas
    • This seminal collection of essays critiquing ethnography as literature is augmented with a new..
    42,26€ 40,14€
  • The Predicament Of Culture

    • The Predicament of Culture is a critical ethnography of the West in its changing relations with other societies. Analyzing cultural practices such as anthropology, travel writing, collecting, and...
    41,64€ 39,56€
  • Formal Semantics And Pragmatics For Natural Language Querying

    • This book discusses the connection between two areas of semantics, namely the semantics of..
    76,18€ 72,37€
  • Person And Myth

    • 288 páginas
    • Originally published in 1982, James Clifford's analytical biography of Maurice Leenhardt..
    23,65€ 22,47€