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Libros de Jamie Thomson

  • The Wild Woods

    • Arcadia. The garden of the gods of Olympus. Once they walked its sylvan paths, sipping ambrosia,
    44,65€ 42,41€
  • The Good, The Bad, And The Undead

    • Texas, 1870. The small, dusty mining town of Affliction, alone and isolated in the middle of the Badlands, is the town Marshal da Silva helped build years ago. Now it’s the place he is taking his captive—the brutal outl...
    11,84€ 11,24€
  • The Plains Of Howling Darkness

    • Explore The Plains of Howling Darkness, where nomadic barbarians attack all who enter their trackless wilderness. Where legendary prizes await the adventurer who can release the High King from his frozen tomb. Where a city of ghosts guards the treasure...
    14,18€ 13,47€
  • Over The Blood-dark Sea

    • Over the blood-dark sea lie countless islands steeped in mystery. Every port brings peril, from the half-wild settlements on the jungle-clad continent of Ankon-Konu to the forbidden cloisters and narrow cobbled streets of Dweomer, city of sorcerers. Every...
    12,62€ 11,98€
  • The Wild Woods: Vulcanverse

    • Arcadia. The garden of the gods of Olympus. Once they walked its sylvan paths, sipping ambrosia,..
    14,88€ 14,14€
  • The Houses Of The Dead

    • The underworld was once ruled over by the death god Hades, but he sleeps in his immortal tomb, weakened by centuries of neglect. What is to be done with his realm now? Who will refurbish its sepulchral halls, sweep away the corpse dust that coat its teneb...
    35,02€ 33,27€
  • Beginner Guide To The Stock Market

    • The Stock Market can be a Financial Game Changer for anyone that invests their time to learn about how to do it the Smart-Way, but sadly, many miss out on the great money-making machine of the stock market. But why?
    13,38€ 12,72€
  • Beginners Guide To The Stock Market

    • The Stock Market can be a ’Financial Game Changer’ for anyone that invests their time to learn about how to do it the Smart-Way, but sadly, many miss out on the great money-making machine of the stock market. But why?...
    15,54€ 14,76€
  • Lords Of The Rising Sun

    • The Lords of the Rising Sun rule the exotic kingdom of Akatsurai, but rival warrior clans constantly seek to overthrow them. In the turmoil of war there are countless opportunities for a quick-witted adventurer. Will you spy for the Shogun? Make your fort...
    14,05€ 13,35€
  • Can You Brexit?

    • You're the British Prime Minister and Brexit is under way. You have just two years to negotiate the unpicking of an alliance that's been built up over four decades. And that's not the only minefield youre going to have to cross. Your cabinet...
    14,14€ 13,44€
  • The Serpent King’s Domain

    • FABLED LANDS is an epic series of interactive books with the scope of a massively multiplayer game world. You can choose to be an explorer, merchant, priest, scholar or soldier of fortune. Buy a ship or a townhouse, join a temple, undertake desperate adve...
    14,09€ 13,39€
  • Cities Of Gold And Glory

    • Set out on a journey of fabulous adventure in lands beyond the limit of your imagination. Choose for yourself what role to play, where to venture, and what rewards to seek.
    8,98€ 8,53€
  • The War-torn Kingdom

    • Set out on a journey of fabulous adventure in lands beyond the limit of your imagination. Choose for yourself what role to play, where to venture, and what rewards to seek.
    8,98€ 8,53€
  • The Renegade Lord

    • 242 páginas
    • "This classic series of choose-your-own style gamebooks returns in a new edition. Your decisions change the course of the story. The fate of the world is in your hands!"
    10,63€ 10,10€
  • Usurper!

    • 224 páginas
    • You have vanquished the forces of evil which have conspired against you and your people. Now, at long last, the Grandmaster of the Dawn reveals the secret of your birth. The truth is thrilling yet grim. For your father was king of Irsmuncast. You are his...
    12,56€ 11,94€
  • Avenger!

    • You are Avenger, a ninja trained in the Way of the Tiger, a lethal master of unarmed combat who..
    11,60€ 11,02€
  • Overlord!

    • "'The reign of your father the Loremaster - the reign of the Usurper after him - these were but..
    11,60€ 11,02€
  • Warbringer!

    • "'An old score shall be settled. The Legion of the Sword of Doom shall conquer the City of..
    11,60€ 11,02€
  • Assassin!

    • "There is little time now, Avenger, for the gods of evil move against us still. You must return..
    12,56€ 11,94€
  • Fabled Lands: Lords Of The Rising Sun

    • FABLED LANDS is an epic series of interactive books with the scope of a massively multiplayer..
    10,87€ 10,32€