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A step-by-step system for mastering trading psychology.
Think about your most costly and recurring trading mistakes. Chances are that they're related to common errors, such as... Leer más
El autor de The Mental Game of Trading: A System for Solving Problems with Greed, Fear, Anger, Confidence, and Discipline, con isbn 978-1-73403-091-4, es Jared Tendler, esta publicación tiene trescientas veintiocho páginas.
Think about your most costly and recurring trading mistakes. Chances are that they're related to common errors, such as... Leer más
El autor de The Mental Game of Trading: A System for Solving Problems with Greed, Fear, Anger, Confidence, and Discipline, con isbn 978-1-73403-091-4, es Jared Tendler, esta publicación tiene trescientas veintiocho páginas.
Otros libros de Tendler, Jared son El Juego Mental Del Póker Vol. Ii, Juego Mental Del Poker, El, Le Mental Au Poker 2, Il Mental Game Del Poker 2, O Jogo Mental Do Poker, The Mental Game Of Poker, Il Mental Game Del Poker y Le Mental Au Poker. Ver su bibliografía.