DERECHO E INCERTIDUMBRE. "El elemento central alrededor del cual giran casi todos los pleitos es la creencia o incredulidad del juez de primera instancia, o del jurado, respecto de las afirmaciones hechas bajo juramento por algunas de las personas...
ACTUAL PENSAMIENTO JURIDICO NORTEAMERICANO, EL. En los Estados Unidos, pese a la influencia racionalista que afloraba en la concepcion del common law como sistema de principios fundamentales inalterables y en la doctrina de las verdades politicas axiomati...
Law and the Modern Mind first appeared in 1930 when, in the words of Judge Charles E. Clark, it "fell like a bomb on the legal world." In the generations since, its influence has grown-today it is accepted as a classic of general jurisprudence.The...
Satire and irony rip through this book. It discussed doctors who kill and cover up mentally ill people who are mistreated or killed by mental health personnel. Hypocrisy in education, politics, religion, and government policy is revealed.
CONTENTS: I. The Needless Mystery of Court House Government. II. Fights and Rights. III. Facts Are Guesses. IV. Modern Legal Magic. V. Wizards and Lawyers. VI. The "Fight" Theory versus the "Truth" Theory. VII. The Procedural Reformers....