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Libros de Jim Benton

  • Hamabost Metroko Kupidoaren Erasoa

    • 112 páginas
    • Steindarrak Lilipen kalearen amaierako etxera etorri berriak zirenez, lehen aldia zuen Frannyk auzoko eskolan. Irakaslea, Shelly andereñoa hasiera-hasieratik gustatu zitzaion. Ikaskideak ere gustatuko zitzaizkiola pentsatu zuen, baina ez zirudien...
    10,95€ 10,40€
  • Kalabaza Munstroa

    • 112 páginas
    • Steindarrak Lilipen kalearen amaierako etxera etorri berriak zirenez, lehen aldia zuen Frannyk auzoko eskolan. Irakaslea, Shelly andereñoa hasiera-hasieratik gustatu zitzaion. Ikaskideak ere gustatuko zitzaizkiola pentsatu zuen, baina ez zirudien...
    10,95€ 10,40€
  • You're Making Me Six (catwad #6), 6

    • 128 páginas
    • Catwad and Blurmp venture out of the living room and into the world in this hilarious graphic novel! Attending a comic convention, taking a swim deep inside a toilet bowl, gazing into the future with Blurmp's crystal ball, shredding on guitar, and...
    8,69€ 8,26€
  • Me, Three! (catwad #3), Volume 3

    • Catwad, the snarky blue furball with a funny take on just about everything, is BACK in this..
    8,69€ 8,26€
  • It's Me, Two

    • Catwad, the snarky blue furball with a funny take on just about everything, is BACK in this..
    8,69€ 8,26€
  • It's Me.

    • 128 páginas
    • An all-new series from New York Times bestselling author, Jim Benton . From..
    8,69€ 8,26€
  • 5,79€ 5,50€
  • The Fran With Four Brains

    • Being a mad scientist in the modern world is very hard work. With so much that needs to be done in..
    6,76€ 6,42€
  • Can Adults Become Human?

    • Read the hilarious, candid (and sometimes not-so-nice), diaries of Jamie Kelly, who promises that..
    7,73€ 7,34€
  • Dear Dumb Dairy #1: Let's Pretend This Never Happened

    • Take a peek inside the diaries of Jamie Kelly She's cool (sometimes), nice (mostly), and funny..
    7,73€ 7,34€