Advertising in the Atomic Age From "The World's Finest Automatic Washer" to the Cadillac which "Gives a Man a New Outlook" As McCarthyism swept across the United States and capitalism was king, white America enjoyed a feeling of...
In the years following World War I, Los Angeles was a city awakening to its darker side, transforming itself from a backwater town to a gleaming metropolis and city of the future. But along the way a tarnished patina began to coat its ever-more glamorous...
At the beginning of the decade, America was at war. Patriotism was an integral part of everyday life, with the sentiment mirrored in advertising. As America emerged victorious out of the darkness of World War II in 1945, the economic boom of the era helpe...
La historia visual más exhaustiva del mundo del surf. Con cientos de imágenes y textos de los periodistas especializados más prestigiosos, el libro cubre ámbitos como la fotografía, la moda, el cine, el arte y la m&uacut...
Amazing Craze A guide to the world's weirdest, most thrilling contests Whether it's flinging frozen rats or parading in holly evergreens, racing snails or carrying wives, human beings have long displayed their creativity in wild, odd, and sometimes...
20th Century Fashion ofrece una elegante visión retrospectiva de los últimos cien años a través de 400 anuncios de moda de la colección de Jim Heimann. Mediante una selección de imágenes publicitarias de...
See original print ads for cars, travel, technology, food, liquor, cigarettes, movies, appliances, furniture, defense, transportation, you name it - all digitally mastered to look as bright and colorful as they did on the day they first hit the newsstands...