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James Smith was born the youngest of five children in London's East End (Bow) in the later stages of WW2. He spent time in London's Woodvale Orphanage and Beecholm Children's Home in Surrey.... Leer más
El autor de Someone in the Crowd, con isbn 978-1-78629-198-1, es Jim Smith.
El autor de Someone in the Crowd, con isbn 978-1-78629-198-1, es Jim Smith.
Otros libros de Smith, Jim son Barry Loser: Total Winner, A Super Weird! Mystery: My Pencil Case Is A Time Machine, Undaunted: My Life As Policeman And Private Eye, Tactical Medicine Essentials, A Ragtime Aviary: 8 Contemporary Classic Rags, Barry Loser Is The Best At Football Not!, 150 Puzzles Sudoku Puzzle Book Easy To Hard Volume 2 y Barry Loser And The Birthday Billions. Ver su bibliografía.