In the words of Martí de Riquer, José María Valverde (1926-1996) was "a complete writer, an excellent poet, an excellent prose writer, a literary critic of great acuity and originality and a great historian of literature"....
When you enter the Sant Jordi Hall of the Palau de la Generalitat, if you raise your head, it is very likely that the first figure you see painted on the ceiling is that of Balmes. There are also those of Torras y Bages (opposite to the one of Balmes),...
Jaume Serra Húnter (Manresa, 1878 - Cuernava, 1943) is a very remarkable public figure in modern Catalan history. During the turbulent 1930s, he held important posts both in the academic sphere (dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, rector...
Ja sigui a peu de carrer amb timbals i pancartes o bé, simplement, malparlant dels polítics al bar amb els amics, hi ha ben poca gent que no hagi participat mai en un acte de protesta o que no s?hagi queixat mai de fins a quin punt «le...
The figure of Joan Roura-Parella (Tortellà, 1897 - Middletown, 1983) is interesting for a number of reasons, two of which stand out. Firstly, and as is usually the case in the history of thought, because his life and intellectual trajectory reprodu...
Pere Coromines was an eminently polyhedral character: he actively participated in social movements, held highly prominent political and institutional positions, wrote literature, was a fief economist, lawyer, cultural manager, etc. The success that he...
El conflicte entre la llibertat i la felicitat s?ha de resoldre a favor de la llibertat, opina Ágnes Heller, i ho defensa amb determinació a les lliçons d?aquest volum.
Josep Maria Capdevila (Olot, 1892-Banyoles, 1972), philosopher, literary critic, journalist, is a notable and very significant figure in the Catalan intellectual landscape prior to the so-called "democratic transition." He emphasized by a firm...
Francesc Mirabent Vilaplana (1888-1952) tal vez no sea un pensador ineludible de la historia de la intelectualidad catalana. Pero su figura y su trabajo son muy dignas de consideración. Nos ayudan a entender tanto el período inmediatamente...
In the figure of Francesc Xavier Llorens and Barba, a special halo surrounds him. An air between mythical and mysterious. The poet Joan Maragall, in 1901, proclaimed that of "[A Llorens i Barba] We venerate him So much and we know him so little"....
There are three aspects of fundamental intuition at the core of Panikkarian thinking ? or, in other words, cosmotheandric intuition? according to which reality is at the same time the World, God and Man. It is not simply a question of an idea or a concept...
Filòsof, intel·lectual a l'exili, novel·lista, escriptor, cineasta, Josep Ferrater Mora (1912-1991) és un personatge ineludible de la cultura catalana i espanyola del segle XX. No ho és menys la seva obra. Conèixe...
The facet of Dalí that is addressed in this book is that of the artist who writes and reads. We are interested in Dalí who is concerned with thought, science, and philosophy. It is not his best known face. But there is no doubt that it is...
Joan Crexells died too young, in 1926, ten years before the start of the Civil War. It was a very unlamented death because Crexells promised much. This was expressed most friends, great men of culture as Carles Riba, Josep M. de Sagarra, Josep Pla, Joan...
Els catalans disposem de ben pocs trumfos per tenir èxit en el procés sobiranista. No tenim armes, ni diners, ni ambaixades, ni aliats poderosos. Però tenim bones raons, raons morals. D'aquí prové la nostra força....
Publicada l?any 1912, Els problemes de la filosofia és una de les obres més conegudes de la prolífica producció del filòsof britànic Bertrand Russell (1872-1970). D?una manera clara, accessible i ordenada, aquest...