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The summer of 1954 spelled disaster for a majority of Wheatfieldâs 34,000 residents. Terror surfaced in this rural town of Fork County, Nebraska, and few of the residents survived.... Leer más
El autor de Fear of the Beast, con isbn 978-1-4269-3440-7, es Joanne Harris.
El autor de Fear of the Beast, con isbn 978-1-4269-3440-7, es Joanne Harris.
Otros libros de Harris, Joanne son El Perfume Secreto Del Melocotón, Testament Of Loki, A Narrow Door, It Came From Beneath The Waves, The Strawberry Thief, The Blue Salt Road, A Pocketful Of Crows y Cinc Quarts D'una Taronja. Ver su bibliografía.