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Libros de Johann Hari

  • Adelgazar A Cualquier Precio

    • 368 páginas
    • Johann Hari, tras una vida obsesionado con su peso, comenzó a inyectarse Ozempic una vez por semana. Algunas predicciones sugieren que, en los próximos años, una cuarta parte de la población de Occidente se someterá a...
    21,90€ 20,81€
  • El Valor De La Atención

    • 432 páginas
    • En EE. UU, los adolescentes no son capaces de centrarse en una tarea durante más de 65 segundos. Los oficinistas apenas pueden aguantar 3 minutos. Hari decidió entrevistar a los principales expertos en concentración humana para identi...
    20,90€ 19,86€
  • Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention--and How To Think Deeply Again

    • Our ability to pay attention is collapsing. From the New York Times bestselling author of
    29,02€ 27,57€
  • Lost Connections: Why You're Depressed And How To Find Hope

    • 416 páginas
    • The New York Times bestseller from the author of Chasing the Scream, offering a
    18,38€ 17,46€
  • El Valor De La Atención: Por Qué Nos La Robaron Y Cómo Recuperarla

    • La atención ha entrado en una profunda crisis. Cuáles son los motivos?, quién nos la está..
    24,13€ 22,92€
  • Magic Pill

    • 352 páginas
    • The bestselling author of Lost Connections and Stolen Focus takes a revelatory look at the new drugs transforming weight loss as we know it - sharing his personal experience on Ozempic and examining our ability to heal society's dysfunctional relationship...
    17,22€ 16,36€
  • Abgelenkt

    • 367 páginas
    19,44€ 18,47€
  • Stolen Focus

    • 340 páginas
    • "Our ability to pay attention is collapsing. From the New York Times bestselling author of Chasing the Scream and Lost Connections comes a groundbreaking examination of why this is happening-and how to get our attention back. Like so many of us, Johann...
    14,09€ 13,39€
  • 17,75€ 16,87€
  • Chasing The Scream: The First And Last Days Of The War On Drugs

    • 389 páginas
    • What if everything you think you know about addiction is wrong? Johann Hari's journey into the heart of the war on drugs led him to ask this question--and to write the book that gave rise to his viral TED talk, viewed more than 62 million times, and...
    18,37€ 17,45€