Número 1 de ventas en Estados Unidos, estas memorias son el relato más completo y sustancial sobre la Administración Trump publicado hasta la fecha, y uno de los pocos, si no el único, escrito por un funcionario del más...
This book tells the story of Thomas and Rose Ann Mould who lived in the hamlet of Gunthorpe, near Peterborough, England in the latter half of the 19th century. It traces their ancestry and the history of their children, grandchildren and all their descend...
Kriegerin. Tochter Roms. Kaltblütige Killerin.Fast 30 Jahre sind seit der Erstveröffentlichung des epischen Fantasy Meisterwerks MARADA-The She Wolf vergangen.Nach einer akribischen Überarbeitung, verbunden mit einer Restaurierung der Farbf...
The bringing together of the Antients and Moderns to form the United Grand Lodge of England in 1813 was a tricky matter. How all this came about is not just an English tale but an Irish and Scots one as well. Complexities concerning 'union' included...
Trade paperback. The controversial conservative former US Ambassador to the United Nations recounts his tenure at the UN. The hardback generated major publicity.
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