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Libros de John Buchan

  • 24,95€ 23,70€
  • Los 39 Escalones

    • Los 39 escalones es la novela más conocida de John Buchan. Publicada originalmente en el Blackwoods Magazine entre agosto y septiembre de 1915, fue publicada en forma de libro en octubre de 1915. Es la primera de las cinco novelas protagonizadas...
    19,24€ 18,28€
  • El Viento En El Pórtico

    • 352 páginas
    • John Buchan (1875-1940), Barón de Tweedsmuir, nació en Escocia y estudió cultura clásica en Oxford donde inició su carrera literaria. Fue abogado, editor, periodista y diplomático. Reportero para The Times y ofici...
    26,00€ 24,70€
  • Els Trenta-nou Esglaons

    • 150 páginas
    • Richard Hannay està avorrit de la seva vida a Londres. Tot canvia quan troben mort a casa seva un home coneixedor d'un complot polític de dimensions internacionals. Aleshores, Hannay haurà de fugir a la seva Escòcia natal...
    18,00€ 17,10€
  • Mr Standfast (1919). By: John Buchan: Thriller Novel

    • Mr Standfast is the third of five Richard Hannay novels by John Buchan, first published in 1919 by..
    11,96€ 11,36€
  • Greenmantle (1916). By: John Buchan: Thriller Novel

    • 160 páginas
    • Greenmantle is the second of five novels by John Buchan featuring the character of Richard Hannay, first published in 1916 by Hodder & Stoughton, London. It is one of two Hannay novels set during the First World War, the other being Mr Standfast (1919...
    10,71€ 10,18€
  • The Thirty-nine Steps John Buchan

    • THE THIRTY-NINE STEPS by John Buchan 1875-1940 Publication date: 1915
    9,66€ 9,18€
  • John Buchan - Nelson's History Of The War - Volume Iv (of Xxiv): The Great Struggle In West Flanders, The Two Attacks On Warsaw, And The Fighting At S

    • John Buchan was born on August 26th 1875 and is most famously known for his novel 'The Thirty Nine..
    10,39€ 9,87€
  • John Burnet Of Barns: A Romance

    • John Burnet of Barns is an 1898 novel by the Scottish author John Buchan, his second. It was first..
    7,73€ 7,34€
  • Greenmantle (1916) By: John Buchan ( Novel )

    • Greenmantle is the second of five novels by John Buchan featuring the character of Richard Hannay,..
    10,71€ 10,18€
  • Mr Standfast (1919) By: John Buchan ( Novel )

    • Mr. Standfast is the third of five Richard Hannay novels by John Buchan, first published in 1919..
    11,96€ 11,36€
  • Prester John. By: John Buchan ( Adventure Novel )

    • Prester John is a 1910 adventure novel by John Buchan. It tells the story of a young Scotsman named
    8,83€ 8,39€
  • Huntingtower (1922) By: John Buchan ( Novel )

    • Huntingtower is a novel written by John Buchan in 1922. The first of his three Dickson McCunn..
    9,51€ 9,03€
  • The Path Of The King (1921) By: John Buchan ( Novel )

    • The Path of the King is a 1921 novel by the Scottish author John Buchan, presented as a..
    10,52€ 10,00€
  • The Power-house

    • Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers..
    22,96€ 21,82€
  • Poems, Scots And English

    • Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers..
    14,51€ 13,78€
  • The Half-hearted. [london]

    • Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers..
    19,72€ 18,73€
  • El Poder Ocult

    • 177 páginas
    • La imatge dun Londres eduardià apareix no com el cor alegre i confiat de lImperi Britànic, sinó com un paissatge urbà on el perill assetja a cada racó.
    5,50€ 5,23€
  • El Bastón Mágico

    • 160 páginas
    • John Buchan (Perth, Escocia, 1875 - Montreal, Canada, 1940), hombre de estado, diplomático y editor, fue además un prolífico escritor de novelas de aventuras y de espionaje, así como de diversas biografías y libros hist&...
    3,00€ 2,85€
  • Els 39 Esglaons

    • 122 páginas
    • John Buchan, fill d'un clergue, va néixer a finals d'agost de 1875, a Perth (Escòcia), i va estudiar Dret a les universitats de Glasgow i d'Oxford. Als vint anys va publicar'el primer llibre, Sir Quixote of the Moors, i es...
    6,01€ 5,71€