La familia Hargraves tiene la esperanza de que su bebé crezca grande y fuerte, y no sea un debilucho como ellos. Pero a la criatura no le gusta la comida y apenas tiene apetito. Un día la señora Hargravesencuentra un aguacate en el...
Un día el señor Gumpy decide dar un paseo en su barca. Pero los niños, el conejo, el gato, el perro? y otros tantos amigos deciden unirse hasta llenar la embarcación. ¿Qué pasará entonces?
¿Cómo se llamará el bebé? ¿Y qué hará? ¿Y para qué necesitamos un bebé? Con mucha ternura, sutileza y humor, gracias al talento de dos de los autores más icónicos de la...
Com es dirà el bebè? I què farà? I per a què necessitem un bebè? Amb molta tendresa, subtilesa i humor, gràcies al talent de dos dels autors més icònics de la literatura infantil, aquesta hist...
Ten years have passed since Admiral Kolhammer's 21st century battlefleet was dragged into a wormhole and thrown across oceans of time, emerging with disastrous consequences and shattering the history of the Second World War.
On the eve of a huge, breakout success, a poor but brilliant young game developer is pulled out of her world, and time itself, by a cowboy desperately searching for the daughter he lost two hundred years ago.
The Second World War was turned on its head at the moment Admiral Kolhammer's ultra-modern stealth warships were hurled back through time from 2021. But no one could have predicted just how much of a nightmare would ensue.. Only months after the Tran...
One day Mr Gumpy decides to take a trip along the river in his boat. But the children, the rabbit, the cat, the pig and lots more friends decide to join him. Everyone's having a lovely time until the animals start kicking, bleating, hopping and flapping...
Once upon a time there were two geese called Mr and Mrs Plumpster. Each Spring they returned to the marshes of their ancestors, and Mrs Plumpster laid her eggs. Soon six fine young Plumpsters hatched: Archie, Freda, Jennifer, Oswald, Timothy and Borka....
Georgie has got a new bed, but it's not like other beds. For each night, Georgie says the magic word and it whisks him away on a fantastic adventure. He loves his bed, but one day he and his family go on holiday, and when they come back, Granny has...
Granpa nurses his granddaughter's dolls, mistakes her strawberry-flavoured pretend ice-cream for chocolate, takes her tobogganing in the snow, and falls in with her imaginary plans to captain a ship to Africa, like all good Granpa's should. This...
Mr. Gumpy, who charmed us in Mr. Gumpy's Outing, is ready for another day trip--this time in his lovely red car. Once again, a veritable menagerie clamors to be included, and that's fine with amiable Mr. Gumpy: "All right. But it will be a...
Courtney is the dog that nobody wants, but the children think he's lovely. When they take him home, their parents are very disappointed - he's just an old mongrel. But Courtney turns out to be a wonder-dog who can cook, juggle, and even play the...
While her mother is calling her to get out of the bath, Shirley is far away in her own dream world, full of knights in armour, castles and galloping horses. By the author of
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