Fue en los siglos XVIII y XIX cuando se abrieron las puertas del erotismo en la literatura. Entonces, poetas y escritores sacaron a luz las ansias y angustias de la sexualidad, hasta entonces censuradas. Esta antología recoge los textos erót...
Las memorias de una cortesana, recogidas en dos cartas, que la joven Francis Hill dirige a una dama de cierto rango social, es el relato directo y vivo de la iniciación sexual y los sucesivos avatares que ha conocido la joven, antes de ser retirada...
Fanny Hill , una de las novelas clásicas más célebres de la literatura libertina, no podía faltar a su insoslayable y definitivo encuentro con La sonrisa vertical . Tras varias publicaciones dispersas en España a partir...
El escritor ingles John Cleland (1710-1789) fue estricto defensor de la moralidad a pesar de ser el autor de una obra, Fanny Hill, considerada posiblemente la unica novela erotica inglesa digna de tal nombre. En 1749 John Cleland y su editor fueron deteni...
Young Fanny Hill is tricked into a life of prostitution, but she quickly learns the power of her own body as she learns the ways of physical passion. She soon escapes her fate for the loving arms of a wealthy young man, but misadventure and fate conspire...
Fanny Hill: or, the Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1749) is an erotic novel and early work of pornography by English author John Cleland. Written while Cleland was in prison, the novel was both successful and controversial, banned from publication but...
Young Fanny Hill is tricked into a life of prostitution, but she quickly learns the power of her own body as she learns the ways of physical passion. She soon escapes her fate for the loving arms of a wealthy young man, but misadventure and fate conspire...
In April de Angelisâs hilarious makeover of the bedside âclassicâ prostitute Fanny sacks her (male) biographer and tells it like it REALLY was â with the aid of two foul-mouthed, fell...
This is John Clelandâs controversial 1749 novel, "Memoirs of Fanny Hill". John Cleland (1709 - 1789) was an English novelist most famous for writing "Fanny Hill: or, the Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure". Other notable...
FANNY HILL by John Cleland Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, by John Cleland (1709-89), published in 1748, is a classic of English erotica. This edition contains the whole of Cleland's infamous book, which has been banned and prosecuted a...