It is an article of faith central to fairy belief today that they are beings intimately connected with nature- they are the elemental spirits, even, of water, air and vegetation. In one form or... Leer más
El autor de Faeries and The Natural World, con isbn 978-1-83841-858-8, es John Kruse.
El autor de Faeries and The Natural World, con isbn 978-1-83841-858-8, es John Kruse.
Otros libros de John Kruse son The Spirits Of The Land: Faeries And The Soul Of Britain, Middle Earth Cuckoos: The Changeling Phenomenon In British Faery-lore, The Faery Faith In British Music, Recognizing Adult Adhd, Faery Mysteries, Manx Fairies, The Faery Lifecycle y British Pixies. Ver su bibliografía.