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Libros de John O. Stevens

  • Esto Es Gestalt

    • 340 páginas
    • Compilacion de trabajos sobre Terapia Gestalt. John O. Stevens, profundo conocedor de esta escuela, ha descubierto y combinado diversos aspectos, desde la sutileza fenomenologica de Van Dusen a la genial agudeza terapeutica de Perls. Muchos de los articul...
    19,00€ 18,05€
  • Paz Abundante

    • 144 páginas
    • Una de las grandes autoridades mundiales en aikido nos describe, con amenidad y profundidad, la biografía y enseñanza fundamental del maestro fundador del Aikido: Morihei Ueshiba. Profusamente ilustrado.
    15,00€ 14,25€
  • El Libro Del Aikido

    • 144 páginas
    • Mucho más que una técnica de defensa propia, el aikido es una disciplina física y espiritual. El libro del aikido es una introducción esencial a la filosofía y la práctica de este arte marcial o “arte de la...
    12,00€ 11,40€
  • El Darse Cuenta. Ejercicios Y Experimentos En Terapia Gestaltica.

    • 286 páginas
    • El darse cuenta es la obra en que John O. Stevens , eminente terapeuta gestáltico norteamericano, nos entrega su valiosa experiencia y nos va enseñando, paso a paso, la forma en que podemos, precisamente, llegar a sentir, imaginar, vivenciar...
    25,00€ 23,75€
  • Music And Poetry In The Early Tudor Court

    • First published in 1962, John Stevens' book examines the complex interplay between lyrical and..
    75,47€ 71,70€
  • Enso

    • This is the catalogue produced in conjunction with the Enso: The Timeless Circle exhibition held at the Robyn Buntin of Honolulu Gallery in 2008/2009. Enso are the circles used in East Asian Buddhism to visually express Zen teachings on paper with a brush...
    49,24€ 46,78€
  • 15,20€ 14,44€
  • Table Talk Math

    • Maybe you love math. Maybe you still remember anxiety you felt as a student in math class. Either way, your kids are learning from you and deciding whether or not they are good at math.
    22,65€ 21,52€
  • John Stevens

    • The Korean conflict is known as "the Forgotten War," but one veteran who never forgotit was Lt. Col. John R. Stevens, U.S. Marine Corps. Lingering pain from frostbitten toes were a regular reminder of his part in the Battle of Chosin Reservoir,...
    15,33€ 14,56€
  • The Classroom Chef

    • "I just don't get math." If you're a math teacher, you probably can't count the number of times you've heard students, parents, and even fellow teachers make a disparaging statement about your subject. As math teachers and instructional...
    19,13€ 18,17€
  • Alltagstauglich Deutsch.frases Utiles

    • 112 páginas
    • PDF de frases útiles para todos los días
    15,55€ 14,77€
  • The Marathon Monks Of Mount Hiei

    • 168 páginas
    • The greatest athletes in the world today are not the Olympic champions or the stars of professional sports, but the "marathon monks" of Japan's sacred Mount Hiei. Over a seven-year training period, these "running buddhas" figuratively...
    38,38€ 36,46€
  • Extraordinary Zen Masters

    • Extraordinary Zen Masters: A Maverick, a Master of Masters, and a Wandering Poet tells the life stories of Ikkyu (1394-1481), Hakuin (1686-1768), and Ryokan (1758-1831). Each was an outstanding figure who manifested Zen in his own way. Ikkyu was unconvent...
    20,13€ 19,13€
  • The Philosophy Of Aikido

    • 132 páginas
    • At last, a clear and insightful look at the system of beliefs that is the basis for the practice of Aikido. The Philosophy of Aikido is an invaluable guide for practitioners-whether beginning or advanced-wishing to know more about the context in which...
    24,18€ 22,97€
  • The Marathon Monks Of Mount Hiei

    • The greatest athletes in the world today are not the Olympic champions or the stars of professional sports, but the "marathon monks" of Japan's sacred Mount Hiei. Over a seven-year training period, these "running buddhas" figuratively...
    28,68€ 27,25€
  • 11,66€ 11,08€
  • 7,73€ 7,34€
  • Never Give Up!

    • "Read this if you want to go to heaven..but not via the hospital! This book is your ’get out of the hospital alive’ card--it will put years on your life!"
    18,63€ 17,70€
  • Words And Music In The Middle Ages

    • This book examines the relation of words and music in England and France during the three centuries
    110,43€ 104,91€
  • Awareness

    • 284 páginas
    32,31€ 30,70€