El nombre de Jonathan Brown está inexorablemente unido a Diego Velázquez y ese trabajo tan sólido y popular desde hace años a veces eclipsa otros intereses del autor que van desde el coleccionismo a agudas apreciaciones sobre...
Per saber cal veure, i per veure s?ha de mirar. Com proposa l?historiador de l?art Ernst Gombrich, hem d'aprendre ?a obrir els ulls, no a ser-ne uns bocamolls?. Hem d'aprendre a veure, amb els ulls de l'ànima, l?ànima i la profunditat...
En este libro se reúnen las conferencias de la tercera edición de la Cátedra Museo del Prado, dirigida por Jonathan Brown. Al hilo de su biografía y de su experiencia personal en el ámbito de la historia del arte, el...
Pintura en Hispanoamérica Siglos XVI a XIX pretende ser una obra comprensiva, que se aproxime con rigor y exhaustividad a los diversos aspectos que conforman el panorama pictórico que se abre en Hispanoamérica a lo largos de los siglo...
Este libro reúne 32 textos (aparecidos entre 1964 y 2006 en publicaciones académicas) , catálogos de exposición y periódicos y revistas generales, que tratan sobre Velázquez .
Every time he confessed his sins, young seminarian Vince Lombardi sought forgiveness for the one he just couldnât stop committing-playing football. Football was more than a game to Lombardi. It was life. And the values it took to succeed...
Lou Crasher is a black Canadian rock drummer chasing the rock-star dream in present-day Los Angeles. He works at the L.A. Practice Joint, a rehearsal space for musicians. When Angela, the most beautiful African American woman heâs ever...
On the streets of South Philly, Angelo Dundee learned what it took to surviveâa sense of purpose, a clear head, and sometimes . . a powerful right uppercut. Boxing was the family business and the ring was his home.
Known primarily as a great painter, Bartolom� Esteban Murillo (1617-1682) was also one of the best draftsmen of the 17th century. Although his devotional paintings seem to have been created effortlessly, they are the result of careful...
Discusses the Spanish artist Diego Velazquez and explores the mysteries presented by his paintings. This title features essays that looks at the changing relationship between Velazquez and his patron Philip IV. It also explores the problem of attribut...