En forma de ensayo, el hombre sobrepasado se pregunta sobre la cuestión metafísica en la sociedad presente. Esta pregunta resulta un hecho equidistante entre el poeta y el burgués, actualmente financiero o mercader. El poeta es aquel...
Macedonio Fernández (Buenos Aires, 1874-1952) is an not well know author, even now, more than fifty years after his death. Who has heard of him, the reference is invariably by Jorge Luis Borges. Now, but, have read the work of Macedonio is of a...
Tres personatges: labrivat Dom Juan, el colèric Cal·lígula i limpertinent Faust. Arrelats en la tradició moderna, cadascun presenta una cara noble i tràgica, i alhora inútil: la llibertat de Dom Juan...
Macedonio Fernández (Buenos Aires, 1874-1952) is an not well know author, even now, more than fifty years after his death. Who has heard of him, the reference is invariably by Jorge Luis Borges. Now, but, have read the work of Macedonio is of a...
In an essay, Man exceeded questions the metaphysical question in this society. This question is a fact equidistant between the poet and the bourgeois, financial or merchant now. The poet is he who is greatest metaphysical desolation, that is, the fact...