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(punto de recogida) Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes, 594, (Librería Hispano Americana)933 18 05 08
Multicentro Comercial El Trompo, Local P5A922 98 71 60
Calle José Franchy Roca, 13828 15 00 80
Av. Doctor Manuel Domínguez, 6951 02 05 02
C/ Marqués de Fontsanta, 6971 46 53 61
Av. Tres de Mayo, 71922 23 61 83
Los autores de este libro, con isbn 978-1-78775-327-3, son Louise Ford y Julia Cook.
Otros libros de Cook, Julia son Un Grave Caso De Lengua Chivata, Wilma Jean, La Máquina De Preocuparse Sin Fin, ¡mi Boca Es Un Volcán!, Will You Be The I In Kind?, Good Things Come To Those Who Wait, The "i" In Integrity! (i Mean The "me!"), Herman Jiggle, Go To Sleep! y I Have Ants In My Pants. Ver su bibliografía.
Otros libros de Louise Ford son Paris Coloring Book: 30 Hand Drawn, Doodle And Folk Art Style Secret Paris Themed Adult Coloring Pages, Doughnut Coloring Book: Coloring Book For Adults Containing 30 Hand Drawn, Doodle And Folk Art Paisley, Henna And Zentangle Style Donut Colori, Bush Baby Coloring Book For Adults: 30 Hand Drawn Paisley And Henna Folk Art Style Gagalo Coloring Pages, Unicorn Coloring Book For Adults: 30 Hand Drawn Paisley And Henna Unicorn Colroing Pages, Goat Coloring Book For Adults: 30 Hand Drawn, Doodle And Folk Art Paisley, Henna And Zentangle Style Goat Coloring Pages, Mushroom Coloring Book For Adults: 30 Hand Drawn, Woodland And Nature Themed Mushrom And Toadstool Adult Coloring Pages, Shoe Coloring Book For Adults: 30 Hand Drawn Paisley And Henna Ladies Shoe Fashion Coloroing Pages y Coral Reef Coloring Book: 30 Hand Drawn, Doodle And Folk Art Style Coral Reef And Marine Life Adult Coloring Pages. Ver su bibliografía.
Los autores de este libro, con isbn 978-1-78775-327-3, son Louise Ford y Julia Cook.
Otros libros de Cook, Julia son Un Grave Caso De Lengua Chivata, Wilma Jean, La Máquina De Preocuparse Sin Fin, ¡mi Boca Es Un Volcán!, Will You Be The I In Kind?, Good Things Come To Those Who Wait, The "i" In Integrity! (i Mean The "me!"), Herman Jiggle, Go To Sleep! y I Have Ants In My Pants. Ver su bibliografía.
Otros libros de Louise Ford son Paris Coloring Book: 30 Hand Drawn, Doodle And Folk Art Style Secret Paris Themed Adult Coloring Pages, Doughnut Coloring Book: Coloring Book For Adults Containing 30 Hand Drawn, Doodle And Folk Art Paisley, Henna And Zentangle Style Donut Colori, Bush Baby Coloring Book For Adults: 30 Hand Drawn Paisley And Henna Folk Art Style Gagalo Coloring Pages, Unicorn Coloring Book For Adults: 30 Hand Drawn Paisley And Henna Unicorn Colroing Pages, Goat Coloring Book For Adults: 30 Hand Drawn, Doodle And Folk Art Paisley, Henna And Zentangle Style Goat Coloring Pages, Mushroom Coloring Book For Adults: 30 Hand Drawn, Woodland And Nature Themed Mushrom And Toadstool Adult Coloring Pages, Shoe Coloring Book For Adults: 30 Hand Drawn Paisley And Henna Ladies Shoe Fashion Coloroing Pages y Coral Reef Coloring Book: 30 Hand Drawn, Doodle And Folk Art Style Coral Reef And Marine Life Adult Coloring Pages. Ver su bibliografía.