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Ella thought having a man wearing a parachute crash into her was her biggest problem, but that was only the beginning. Secret x-wives, old boyfriends, childrenâexpected and... Leer más
El autor de Send Me an Angel, con isbn 978-1-62989-974-9, es Julia Parker.
El autor de Send Me an Angel, con isbn 978-1-62989-974-9, es Julia Parker.
Otros libros de Parker, Julia son Gu?a Pr?ctica De Astrolog?a. Leo, Gu?a Pr?ctica De Astrolog?a. Piscis, Gu?a Pr?ctica De Astrolog?a. Acuario, Priestess: Ancient Spiritual Wisdom For Modern Sacred Women, Nip It In The Blood, Southwestern Sojourn, Gu?a Pr?ctica De Astrolog?a. Capricornio y Send Me An Angel. Ver su bibliografía.