«Una cosa he aprendido en la vida: solo un hombre o una mujer que plantan una semilla en la tierra o una historia en la mente de alguien o un libro en manos de otros, serán capaces de salvar el mundo.»
Arteterapia, la creación como proceso de transformación, nos habla de la experiencia del acompañamiento desde la mediación artística. El arteterapia es útil a personas en dificultad o que han escogido las té...
A collectible hardcover edition of Julia Alvarez's modern Latinx classic about four sisters known as Las Mariposas, or the Butterflies, who fought to liberate the Dominican Republic from Rafael Trujillo's dictatorship, featuring a new foreword...
The works of this award-winning poet and novelist are rich with the language and influences of two cultures: those of the Dominican Republic of her childhood and the America of her youth and adulthood. They have shaped her writing just as they have shaped...
Yolanda Garcia, detta Yo, ha il talento di inventare storie fantastiche,spesso definite ingiustamente in famiglia "bugie". Ma quando pubblica consuccesso il suo primo romanzo, in famiglia scoppia il finimondo: parenti eamici si ritrovano trasformati...