First serialized in 2006, Keiichi Arawi's nichijou went on to become a worldwide cultural phenomenon. This fall, we'll celebrate the series with a 15th Anniversary Box Set with... Leer más
El autor de Nichijou 15th Anniversary Box Set, con isbn 978-1-64729-059-7, es Keiichi Arawi.
This fall, we'll celebrate the series with a 15th Anniversary Box Set with... Leer más
El autor de Nichijou 15th Anniversary Box Set, con isbn 978-1-64729-059-7, es Keiichi Arawi.
Otros libros de Keiichi Arawi son City, Volume 13, City, Volume 12, City, Volume 11, City, Volume 9, City, Volume 8, City, Volume 7, City, 2 y City, 4. Ver su bibliografía.