Juan presenta a su hermana Tolola en este. libro. Ella es pequeña y divertida. Y muy. particular con la comida. No le gusta casi. nada, pero sobre todo odia los tomates. Un. día, Juan le hace un truco para poder darle la. cena...
Elmore Green, como muchos otros niños, empezó su vida siendo hijo único. Tenía una habitación solo para él, y todo lo que había en ella era suyo. Sus padres creían que él era el niño...
L'Elmore Green, com molts altres nens, va arribar al món essent fill únic. Tenia una habitació només per a ell, i tot el que hi havia era seu. Els seus pares creien que ell era el petit més adorable del món....
Traditional Chinese edition of I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato (Charlie and Lola). Charlie used his imagination to turn Lola - the finicky eater - into trying something fantastic. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
Ruby Redfort: supercool secret agent, code-cracker and thirteen-year-old Genius. This is the fourth book in the scarily awesome Ruby Redfort series, by multi-million-copy bestselling author Lauren Child. This time Ruby must pit her wits against a seemingl...
Everyone's favourite girl detective is back for a 2nd mind-blowing instalment, packed with all the off-the-wall humour, action and friendship of the first book. This time, Ruby is off on an adventure on the wide open ocean. Can she crack the case of...
Two wonderfully wintery Charlie and Lola stories: "Snow Is My Favourite & My Best" and "I Really Really Need Actual Ice Skates". The "Charlie & Lola" books have been extremely successful worldwide, with the books translated...
Herb accidentally falls into a book of fairytales, where he causes mayhem to the storylines. He meets bolshy Goldilocks and three very polite bears, runs past Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel and Puss in Boots, enters a ballroom where he is chased by several...
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