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Libros de Lauren Weisberger

  • La última Noche En Los ángeles

    • 416 páginas
    • A Brooke le encantaba leer revistas de cotilleos hasta que fue su matrimonio el que empezó a ocupar los titulares semanales..Casados desde hace más de cinco años, Brooke y Julian forman una pareja feliz y comprometida. Él es...
    8,95€ 8,51€
  • La última Noche En Los ángeles

    • 416 páginas
    • Casados desde hace más de cinco años, Brooke y Julian forman una pareja feliz y comprometida. Él es un gran músico que toca en pequeños bares a la espera de una oportunidad y ella, a fin de ayudar a su marido a hacerse...
    5,95€ 5,65€
  • Persiguiendo Un Diamante

    • 320 páginas
    • Emmy vuelve a ser single. Adriana está a punto de cumplir los treinta. Leigh tiene un novio maravilloso y un trabajo de ensueño pero su vida perfecta no la hace feliz. Una noche las tres sellan un pacto con mojitos de frambuesa: este es el...
    7,95€ 7,55€
  • 13,95€ 13,25€
  • When Life Gives You Lululemons

    • 352 páginas
    • "The Devil Wears Prada's Emily Charlton gets the spin-off she deserves"..
    15,84€ 15,05€
  • The Singles Game

    • The new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Devil Wears Prada..
    18,37€ 17,45€
  • The Singles Game

    • 432 páginas
    • Designed to help students understand communication processes in relationships and develop specific skills needed to create and maintain healthy ones, the eleventh edition retains the features that have made this book so successful: a theory driven skills-...
    7,63€ 7,25€
  • Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns

    • With brand-new scenes, "The New York Times "bestseller and sequel you've been waiting for--the..
    17,40€ 16,53€
  • Last Night At Chateau Marmont

    • Brooke loved reading the dishy celebrity gossip rag "Last Night." That is, until her marriage..
    18,37€ 17,45€
  • American Girls About Town

    • Born in the U.S.A..American gals are taking liberties -- and pursuing happiness on their own terms -- in this star-studded story collection featuring the nation’s red-hot women writers.They’ve declared their independenc...
    20,60€ 19,57€
  • Last Night At Chateau Marmont

    • 370 páginas
    • From the New York Times bestselling author comes a compulsively readable tale of a woman whose struggling singer-songwriter husband is catapulted to fame, dragging them both onto the pages of celebrity gossip magazines—and changing their...
    7,73€ 7,34€
  • Untitled Lauren Weisberger

    • 400 páginas
    • Leigh, Adriana and Emmy are best friends, all leading very different lives and about to make some extreme choices.Emmy has just split with her boyfriend of five years. A serial monogamist, she suddenly realises how much she's missed the thrill of single...
    9,16€ 8,70€
  • Everyone Worth Knowing

    • 367 páginas
    • From the New York Times bestselling author of The Devil Wears Prada comes an irresistible novel about what happens when a girl on the fringe enters the realm of New York's chic, party-hopping elite.
    17,40€ 16,53€
  • The Devil Wears Prada. Film Tie-in

    • 400 páginas
    • A Sharp, Witty And Hugely Entertaining Debut Novel, The Devil Wears Prada Is The Nanny Diaries Set In The World Of High Fashion. Welcome To The Dollhouse, Baby!When Andrea First Sets Foot In The Plush Manhattan Offices Of Runway She Knows Nothing.She'S...
    10,69€ 10,16€
  • The Devil Wears Prada

    • 400 páginas
    • When Andrea first sets foot in the plush Manhattan offices of Runway, she knows nothing. She's never heard of the world's most fashionable magazine, or its feared and fawned-over editor, Miranda Priestly - her new boss.
    13,12€ 12,47€