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Awaken your connection to Mother Earth as you journey through these peaceful encounters with the birds, the wind, and the trees. This collection of stories, poems, and meditations touches your soul... Leer más
El autor de Walk Gently Upon the Earth, con isbn 978-0-557-17600-7, es Linda Hogan.
El autor de Walk Gently Upon the Earth, con isbn 978-0-557-17600-7, es Linda Hogan.
Otros libros de Linda Hogan son El Final De La Vida. Dar Sentido A Nuestra Finitud, Cutthroat 10th Anniversary A Tribute To Joy Harjo And Linda Hogan, A History Of Kindness, Of Women And The Essay: An Anthology From 1655 To 2000, The 4-week Keto Vegetarian Diet For Beginners, Keeping Faith With Human Rights, Power y The Woman Who Watches Over The World: A Native Memoir. Ver su bibliografía.