'El arte de la adivinación' es una guía para el vidente de hoy con técnicas usadas durante siglos para leer y predecir el futuro. Con esta guía, aprenderás métodos tradicionales de desarrollar tu intuición,...
The Tarot is a secret system of symbols that has been used for almost 600 years, and is becoming increasingly popular today as people look for meaning and reassurance in our ever-changing and chaotic world. This form of spiritual counsel can be used to...
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Spreads helps you answer your life questions instantly, while showing you how to read your cards and create your own layouts.
 Discover the facts, myth, history, and mystery of the spiritual art of Tarot-reading. Whether you want to learn to read the cards or deepen your Tarot interpretation skills, The Ultimate Guide to Tarot  honors the deep heritage...
Give yourself, and others the gift of reading tarot cards with this kit - a full deck of 78 cards plus a colour, step-by-step guide book that will have you reading cards in just a few hours. Inspired by the rich pattern and naive style of the ancient ....