Un día, en Patrick es lleva i s'adona que s'ha tornat de color rosa durant la nit. Què pensaran els seus amics? El pobre Patrick se'n va ben lluny per veure si troba altres animals roses. Travessa l'oceà i descobreix...
Our international primary reading series will help your learners become confident, independent readers. Dad has lots of tools. What is he building? Pink B books support children starting on their reading journey. Titles in this band typically have 30-60...
Poor Lewis hates being a puffin. His brother Harris is great at catching fish, flying and doing puffin things, but Lewis just doesn't fit in. He longs for a different life, far away from the crashing waves and tall cliffs of the Firth of Forth. But...
Cambridge Reading Adventures is a book-banded international Primary reading scheme which couples an exciting range of text with precise bookbanding from the Institute of Education.