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You're invited to the banquet. In commemoration of the all-new anime adaptation of Natsuki Tayaka's beloved manga Fruits Basket, illustrations inspired by each episode, along with commentary from the... Leer más
El autor de Fruits Basket: Complete Anime Natsuki Takaya Illustrations, con isbn 978-1-975375-85-0, es Lys Blakeslee, esta publicación tiene ciento noventa y dos páginas.
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The seventh installment of the graphic novel adaptation of Cassandra Clare's bestselling The Mortal Instruments! Approached by subjugates of the Manhattan clan, Simon is surprised when he follows them to a meeting not with Raphael but with Camille Belcour
El autor de Fruits Basket: Complete Anime Natsuki Takaya Illustrations, con isbn 978-1-975375-85-0, es Lys Blakeslee, esta publicación tiene ciento noventa y dos páginas.