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Libros de Lytton Strachey

  • 600 Libros Desde Que Te Conocí (2ª Edición)

    • 144 páginas
    • Jus publica por ?n en castellano una versión íntegra y sin censuras que incluye varias cartas inéditas descubiertas en años recientes de la correspondencia que mantuvieron por veinticinco años Virginia Woolf y Lytton...
    18,00€ 17,10€
  • 24,90€ 23,65€
  • Isabel Y Essex

    • 276 páginas
    • La historia de una gran pasión, de una relación intensa, enriquecedora y destructiva al mismo tiempo, de esas que ahora llamaríamos tóxicas.
    19,90€ 18,90€
  • La Reina Victoria

    • La llamada época victoriana debe su nombre a la princesa Alejandrina Victoria, la segunda reina con el mandato más largo de la historia, solo superado por el de su tataranieta Isabel II. Accedió al trono a los dieciocho años...
    21,90€ 20,81€
  • La Reina Victoria

    • 348 páginas
    • Un retrato tan lleno de admiración como de ironía de una reina que dió nombre a todo un periodo histórico.
    19,90€ 18,90€
  • Ermyntrude Y Esmeralda

    • 96 páginas
    • En los meses que precedieron a la Primera Guerra Mundial, el inimitable biógrafo victoriano Lytton Strachey se hallaba enfrascado, ajeno a la catástrofe que se avecinaba, en la redacción de su famoso y ácido Victorianos eminent...
    10,10€ 9,59€
  • The Biography Of Florence Nightingale

    • Florence Nightingale was a healer, a comforter, and a nurturer. But like all of us, she had a dark side. Because of her mystique and her charisma she always got what she wanted. Seldom, did anyone really know her. They were drawn to her. They had to be...
    20,21€ 19,20€
  • Unpublished Works Of Lytton Strachey

    • A core member of the Bloomsbury Group, Lytton Strachey (1880-1932) is recognized for his radical..
    224,30€ 213,08€
  • Landmarks In French Literature

    • Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers..
    16,83€ 15,99€
  • Books And Characters, French & English. [toronto]

    • Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers..
    20,31€ 19,30€
  • 600 Libros Desde Que Te Conocí

    • 128 páginas
    • Lytton Strachey fue el crítico literario por excelencia del final de la época victoriana; Virginia Woolf ya había escrito cuatro de sus grandes novelas (El cuarto de Jacob, La señora Dalloway, Orlando y Al faro); y ambos brilla...
    14,50€ 13,77€
  • Eminent Victorians

    • Eminent Victorians, first published in 1918 and consisting of biographies of four leading figures from the Victorian era. Its fame rests on the irreverence and wit Strachey brought to bear on three men and a woman who had till then been regarded as heroes...
    36,99€ 35,14€
  • Eminent Victorians

    • Eminent Victorians-Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Dr. Thomas Arnold and General Gordon (1918) is a collection of short biographies of four leading personalities of the Victorian era by Lytton Strachey. This book would transform the art of biograp...
    16,75€ 15,92€
  • Queen Victoria

    • Known for its advances in literature, industrialization, politics, and science, the Victorian era was a prominent time in British history. However, author Lytton Strachey remembers Queen Victoria as a person instead of just focusing on her accomplishments...
    11,30€ 10,74€
  • Eminent Victorians

    • Featuring prominent figures in education, religion, science, and war, Eminent Victorians is a fascinating collection of Victorian biographies. Beginning with a discussion of the achievements of Cardinal Manning, Strachey provides insight on the Cardinal&a...
    12,10€ 11,49€
  • Eminent Victorians

    • 336 páginas
    • Eminent Victorians is a groundbreaking work of biography that raised the genre to the level of high
    14,35€ 13,63€
  • Books And Characters, French & English

    • Trieste Publishing has a massive catalogue of classic book titles. Our aim is to provide readers..
    23,52€ 22,35€
  • A Simple Story

    • "A Simple Story" from Lytton Strachey. British writer and critic (1880-1932).
    18,28€ 17,37€
  • Books And Characters

    • "Books and Characters" from Lytton Strachey. British writer and critic (1880-1932).
    17,32€ 16,45€
  • Victoria

    • The woman who ruled a nation and framed an Era. Alexandrina Victoria was conceived in a race between two disreputable, aging princes to beget an heir to the throne of England. She was only eighteen when she inherited the crown, twenty when she married...
    19,29€ 18,33€