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Is mercy more important than justice?
Since antiquity, mercy has been regarded as a virtue. Yet by the end of the eighteenth century, mercy had been exiled from political life. In this book,... Leer más
El autor de On Mercy, con isbn 978-0-691-21745-1, es Malcolm Bull.
Since antiquity, mercy has been regarded as a virtue. Yet by the end of the eighteenth century, mercy had been exiled from political life. In this book,... Leer más
El autor de On Mercy, con isbn 978-0-691-21745-1, es Malcolm Bull.
Otros libros de Malcolm Bull son Seeing Things Hidden: Apocalypse, Vision And Totality, Inventing Falsehood, Making Truth: Vico And Neapolitan Painting y La Teoría Del Apocalipsis Y Los Fines Del Mundo.