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My first experience of an agency was back in the mid 1990s. Since then I have set up and built various successful businesses in the property, marketing, recruitment, publishing and digital sectors.... Leer más
El autor de Where did my industry go?, con isbn 978-1-5272-1605-1, es Mark Burgess, esta publicación tiene ciento treinta y cuatro páginas.
El autor de Where did my industry go?, con isbn 978-1-5272-1605-1, es Mark Burgess, esta publicación tiene ciento treinta y cuatro páginas.
Otros libros de Burgess, Mark son Mucho Que Hacer Tira Y Mira, The New Marketing, Thinking In Promises, In Search Of Certainty: The Science Of Our Information Infrastructure, The Serious Guitarist -- Left-hand Techniques: A Skill-building Approach For The Dedicated Guitarist, Book & Cd, Under The Ember Star, View From A Hill y Dog Daze And Cat Naps. Ver su bibliografía.