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Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit of Hope, Healing and Forgiveness, Mark Victor Hansen
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Previously available only through free distribution to prisons, this life-changing book is the...
El autor de Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit of Hope, Healing and Forgiveness, con isbn 978-1-62361-096-8, es Mark Victor Hansen.
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El autor de Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit of Hope, Healing and Forgiveness, con isbn 978-1-62361-096-8, es Mark Victor Hansen.
Otros libros de Hansen, Mark Victor son Caldo De Pollo Para El Alma: Edición Especial 20 Aniversario: Las Historias Originales, Más 20 Historias Nuevas Para Los Próximos 20 Años, Boom!, Chicken Soup For The Soul: My Dog's Life: 101 Stories About All The Ages And Stages Of Our Canine Companions, Chicken Soup For The Soul: Christmas Magic: 101 Holiday Tales Of Inspiration, Love, And Wonder, Chicken Soup For The Soul: Tales Of Golf And Sport: The Joy, Frustration, And Humor Of Golf And Sport, Chicken Soup For The Kid's Soul 2: Read-aloud Or Read-alone Character-building Stories For Kids Ages 6-10, Chicken Soup For The Mother's Soul: Stories To Open The Hearts And Rekindle The Spirits Of Mothers y The Power Of Focus: How To Hit Your Business, Personal And Financial Targets With Absolute Confidence And Certainty. Ver su bibliografía.