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The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook: The Optimal Keto-Friendly Diet That Burns Fat, Promotes Longevity, and Prevents Chronic Disease, Martina Slajerova
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The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook is your guidebook to the ultimate superdiet, an...
El autor de The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook: The Optimal Keto-Friendly Diet That Burns Fat, Promotes Longevity, and Prevents Chronic Disease, con isbn 978-1-58923-991-3, es Martina Slajerova.
Compra el libro The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook: The Optimal Keto-Friendly Diet That Burns Fat, Promotes Longevity, and Prevents Chronic Disease junto con cualquiera de los libros en oferta de la selección que te proponemos y ahórrate los gastos de envío
El autor de The New Mediterranean Diet Cookbook: The Optimal Keto-Friendly Diet That Burns Fat, Promotes Longevity, and Prevents Chronic Disease, con isbn 978-1-58923-991-3, es Martina Slajerova.
Otros libros de Slajerova, Martina son Dieta Cetogénica Para Principiantes, Dieta Cetogénica, Recetas De 30 Minutos (o Menos), The Keto All Day Cookbook: More Than 100 Low-carb Recipes That Let You Stay Keto For Breakfast, Lunch, And Dinner, The Beginner's Ketodiet Cookbook: Over 100 Delicious Whole Food, Low-carb Recipes For Getting In The Ketogenic Zone Breaking Your Weight-loss Plateau, y Quick Keto Meals In 30 Minutes Or Less: 100 Easy Prep-and-cook Low-carb Recipes For Maximum Weight Loss And Improved Health.