En el invierno de 1941, tras haber fracasado en su intento de conquistar Moscú, el ejército alemán inició su primera retirada incapaz de cumplir las órdenes de Hitler, que pretendía que sus hombres resistieran...
Sardinian Syntax presents the first comprehensive synchronic description of Sardinian syntax available. It provides an extensive grammar and an linvaluable source of information for all linguists.
The Enemy of Everything is a poetic and visual assault on Reality itself. This radical collection of poems and illustrations forces the reader to evaluate shared life perceptions from an extreme and unusualâyet somehow familiarâ...
Flora, fauna, and volcanic wonders - the Yellowstone National Park is the epitome of natural beauty. Words donât do justice to it. Therefore, we bring a collection of photographs of its most bewildering spots!The Yellowstone National...
In the past few years anxiety and depression has become a typical condition to hear about. It has become common to hear that an individual is suffering from depression and anxiety. While many individuals have some kind of experience with this type of cond...
In The Soul of Place Michael Jones explores how our relationship with place aligns us with the underlying patterns of life. He does so through stories that ask: what is our experience of homecoming and how do we find our way there? What is our pattern...