Tenia gairebé vint anys i mhavien enganxat robant, fumant i bevent un munt de vegades. Lúltima havia estat presentar-me borratxo a un examen. Em pensava que a tothom li semblaria que ja no venia daquí, però...
Here is an octopus that cannot stay still. His tentacles go like crazy all the time and he goes swimming around nonstop. It seems he has seen it all. Is it possible there is anything fresh to discover? Curiosity about this causes him to do the most daring...
Marc Solà is a young man who. has just graduated in Biology. He receives the offer of working. in India, in a biotechnology. laboratory, and he accepts in. spite of his fears. Once in India,. an unexpected chain of events. sweep him along wildly,...
Fina Ant is a very smart giraffe. and there are few to compare. with her. Despite being the. smallest of the herd, she has. the most adventures. Few of. her companions would dare. to enter a cave as dark as the. throat of a lion, and would. they manage...