Carter, un chico flacucho de manos ágiles, huye de su tío, un ladrón que lo utiliza para robar a la gente, pero con tan mala suerte que cae en las garras de Bosso y su banda de secuaces.
¡La historia continúa! Leila es una artista escapista extraordinaria, lo que resulta muy útil a sus mejores. amigos, que son magos. Cuando un famoso vidente llega a Mineral Wells, Leila y sus amigos tendrán que usar sus. habilid...
The #1 New York Times bestselling Magic Misfits series from acclaimed and wildly popular celebrity Neil Patrick Harris is now available as a boxed set!
THE BRO CODE provides men with all the rules they need to know in order to become a "bro" and behave properly among other bros. THE BRO CODE has never been published before. Few know of its existence, and the code, until now, has been verbally...
It. Is. On. From the pen of the prolific (and bestselling) author Barney Stinson comes the indispensable guide for every Bro looking to score with The Ladies. Featuring the famous plays including: -The Lorenzo Von Matterhorn -Mrs. Stinsfire -The Ted Mosby...