Challenging Earth Dragon Araba? Check! Traveling away from my home? Check. But wait-even though I put in so much prep to be separated from my home, a group of humans came in and burned it all to the ground? Why I oughtta..! And if that weren't bad...
THE PRICE WE PAY.Sacrifice the goddess to save humanity, or sacrifice humanity to save the goddess? ..What kind of sadist would throw the entire world into chaos with an impossible choice like that?! D, obviously. The head honchos of the Word of God relig...
With the Potimas problem officially behind us (like, for real this time), I can finally focus on destroying this god-awful system! what I'd like to say. But it looks like a certain someone won't let that happen without a fight. I swear, every...
"ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS..FIRE!? After gettin' quite the one-sided beatdown from the Demon Lord, who should show up but my hero? At least, that's what the label on the can says. But who knows? Maybe he has a useful skill that can defeat a Demon...
THE MOMENT WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!Just when you think things can't get any more complicated..Our army is in position to kick off the final battle with the elves, whoop-de-do. But there's still the problem of Yamada and the rest of D's...
"Man, becoming the hero of all humans at the age of six? That's rough buddy. But you know, sometimes life is like that. Hang in there kid and maybe I'll..wait, what do you mean I don't show up at all this time?! This is outrageous!!"--Provided...
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A HERO? As the chosen of the gods and defender of all humanity, everyone expects me to do great things. From the tender age of six, it's been my duty to serve humankind, and during my first trial by fire in Keren County.. I...
SPY, MY PRETTIES!Y'know..understanding the reason for your existence, learning the ultimate truth of the world, and attaining godhood would give most people a lot to think about. But me? I've got better things to do, like making mini-spider clones!...
Losing all her skills and stats after her deification has left Kumoko weaker than the average handbag, relegating her to luggage status. This couldn't have come at a worse time because the Demon Lord's party is about to come under attack by another...
So get this..Me, the Demon Lord, the baby bloodsucker, Mera, and the puppet posse are on our way to the demon territory when Mera falls into a hole and gets attacked by giant ants. We wipe 'em out in no time, but the commotion (and totally not me sticking...
I've finally escaped the monster infested Elroe Labyrinth and now making my way towards the land of humans! But what was waiting for me on the surface was something even worse than's MY MOTHER!! We don't have the greatest relationship...
Who knew being strong meant going hungry..?After making it through the fiery Middle Stratum and evolving again, things have been a cakewalk for me-and also one of the worst times of my life. I've gotten so strong that every living thing is avoiding...