* Envíos a partir de 18€ para España peninsular, Tenerife, Gran Canaria y Mallorca

Libros de Paolo Gasparini

  • Paolo Gasparini.

    • 112 páginas
    • La antología definitiva de uno de los más prestigiosos fotógrafos de América Latina.
    14,50€ 13,77€
  • Paolo Gasparini

    • 344 páginas
    39,90€ 37,91€
  • El Suplicante

    • 214 páginas
    • Este libro reúne el trabajo que el célebre fotógrafo italo-venezolano Paolo Gasparini ha producido en los últimos diez años. Los territorios que recorre son emblemáticos: la frontera entre México y los Esta...
    35,00€ 33,25€
  • The Supplicant

    • 208 páginas
    • Italian-Venezuelan Paolo Gasparini is a key figure in contemporary documentary photography. Known..
    35,00€ 33,25€
  • The Protest Box

    • 888 páginas
    165,21€ 156,95€
  • Fotollavero Mexicano

    • 132 páginas
    • Al cumplirse medio siglo de la publicación del primer fotolibro de Paolo Gasparini 'Para verte mejor, América latina' sale a la luz 'Fotollavero Mexicano' que recoge ?como mirando a través de un retrovisor? su visión...
    45,00€ 42,75€
  • Resilience And Sustainability In Relation To Natural Disasters

    • The number of megacities worldwide is rapidly increasing and contemporary cities are also expanding fast. As a result, cities and their inhabitants are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the effects of catastrophic natural events such as extreme weather...
    67,97€ 64,58€
  • Volcanic Seismology

    • For many centuries people living on volcanoes have known that the outset of seismic activity is often a forerunner of a volcanic eruption. This understand­ ing allowed people living close to the sites of the Mt. Nuovo 1538 eruption at Campi Flegrei,...
    132,49€ 125,86€
  • Earthquake Early Warning Systems

    • The book provides information on the major EEW systems in operation and on the state-of-the-art of the different blocks forming an EW system: the rapid detection and estimation of the earthquake’s focal parameters, the signal transmissio...
    208,98€ 198,53€