Este libro reúne el trabajo que el célebre fotógrafo italo-venezolano Paolo Gasparini ha producido en los últimos diez años. Los territorios que recorre son emblemáticos: la frontera entre México y los Esta...
Al cumplirse medio siglo de la publicación del primer fotolibro de Paolo Gasparini 'Para verte mejor, América latina' sale a la luz 'Fotollavero Mexicano' que recoge ?como mirando a través de un retrovisor? su visión...
The number of megacities worldwide is rapidly increasing and contemporary cities are also expanding fast. As a result, cities and their inhabitants are becoming increasingly vulnerable to the effects of catastrophic natural events such as extreme weather...
For many centuries people living on volcanoes have known that the outset of seismic activity is often a forerunner of a volcanic eruption. This understand ing allowed people living close to the sites of the Mt. Nuovo 1538 eruption at Campi Flegrei,...
The book provides information on the major EEW systems in operation and on the state-of-the-art of the different blocks forming an EW system: the rapid detection and estimation of the earthquakeâs focal parameters, the signal transmissio...