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Libros de Patricia Cleveland-Peck

  • Historia De Tutankamon,la

    • 64 páginas
    • La historia de Tutankamón Patricia Cleveland-Peck e Isabel Greenberg Descubre los secretos del antiguo Egipto en este álbum ilustrado Esta es la asombrosa historia del faraón Tutankamón y del descubridor de su tumba, Howard...
    15,95€ 15,16€
  • 15,30€ 14,53€
  • 9,31€ 8,84€
  • You Can't Take An Elephant On The Bus

    • 32 páginas
    • You can't take an elephant on the bus .. It would simply cause a terrible fuss! Elephants' bottoms are heavy and fat and would certainly squash the seats quite flat . Never put a camel in a sailing boat, or a tiger on a train, and don't even...
    12,28€ 11,67€