Su obra se desarrolla fundamentalmente en el campo de la fotografía, collage, objetos e instalaciones y comprende una reflexión en torno a los conceptos de trabajo, desigualdad, arquitectura e historia en el Chile de los últimos 50...
This classic Victorian thriller was first produced in 1935. Jack Manningham is slowly, deliberately driving his wife, Bella, insane. He has almost succeeded when help arrives in the form of a former detective, Rough, who believes Manningham to be a thief...
This âlostâ play by Patrick Hamilton is a Victorian psychological thriller last seen on the stage in 1945. The play is the second of Hamiltonâs to feature Inspector Rough, who first made his name in...
This new edition of the highly successful Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Level 3 workbook provides complete coverage of the National Occupational Standards at Level 3 as set by the IMI and has been edited by Roy Brooks, the highly acclaimed pioneer o
Seit Jahrzehnten steckt die Softwareentwicklung in der Krise. Laut aktuellen Statistiken gehen immer noch mehr als die Hälfte aller in der IT-Produktion eingesetzten Mittel verloren. Angekündigte Programme verzögern sich um Monate oder blei...
For the mere sake of adventure, danger, and the "fun of the thing," Wyndham Brandon persuades his weak minded friend, Charles Granillo, to assist him in the murder of a fellow undergraduate, a perfectly harmless man named Ronald Raglan. They...