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Libros de Paul Gilroy

  • Atlántico Negro

    • 288 páginas
    • Afrocentrismo, eurocentrismo, estudios caribeños.. Para las fuerzas del nacionalismo cultural, prisioneras en sus campos respectivos, este libro audaz resuena como un grito de liberación. Hay, nos dice el autor, una cultura que no es espec&i...
    23,00€ 21,85€
  • 20,00€ 19,00€
  • Between Camps: Nations, Cultures And The Allure Of Race

    • In this provocative book, now reissued with a new introduction, Paul Gilroy contends that..
    187,56€ 178,19€
  • Postcolonial Melancholia

    • In an effort to deny the ongoing effect of colonialism and imperialism on contemporary political
    102,76€ 97,62€
  • Darker Than Blue: On The Moral Economies Of Black Atlantic Culture

    • Paul Gilroy seeks to awaken a new understanding of W. E. B. Du Bois' intellectual and political
    32,50€ 30,88€
  • Postcolonial Melancholia

    • In an effort to deny the ongoing effect of colonialism and imperialism on contemporary political
    24,13€ 22,92€
  • After Empire

    • Paul Gilroys After Empire - in many ways a sequel to his classic study of race and nation, There Aint No Black in the Union Jack - explores Britains failure to come to terms with the loss of its empire and pre-eminent global standing.
    70,73€ 67,19€
  • Black Atlantic

    • 320 páginas
    • An account of the location of black intellectuals in the modern world following the end of racial slavery. The lives and writings of key African Americans such as Martin Delany, W.E.B. Dubois, Frederick Douglas and Richard Wright are examined in the light...
    21,83€ 20,74€